How to write software test cases  

In software development automation has become a necessity. However, for automation tools to perform at their best, effective test cases need to be built to form a solid foundation for the process. Knowing how to write test cases properly is an essential skill because test cases serve as the blueprint for any automation effort; they ensure that the system acts as expected and meets business requirements.   

More than this, they ensure we know exactly what we’re testing for – because if we don’t know what we’re testing for, how can we determine whether a test has passed or failed? Effective case management is crucial in ensuring that test cases are well-organised, properly documented, and easily accessible for future reference. 

While automation tools, such as T-Plan’s record and playback feature make the process simpler, they won’t provide you with the insight you need without having first defined a clear and concise test case. It is only when automation is combined with precise test cases that you get reliable and repeatable results – and more to the point, an indication whether your app is doing what it is supposed to or not.  

software test cases

Table of Contents

Why writing accurate, descriptive software test cases is crucial 

Test cases are the building blocks of any successful testing automation strategy. They detail a structured plan as to what needs to be tested, how the test should be performed and what is expected from the test results. Automation tools are immensely powerful, but they aren’t sentient, and they do not know what constitutes a pass or a fail. Only you, as the developer or QA tester, should know that, but how can you if you haven’t written a test case? A detailed test case description transforms automation from something completely directionless to something with purpose. 

Test cases are effectively a map for your automation journey. By providing instructions for every test scenario, you ensure that the automation tool knows which inputs to apply, what the expected results should be, and how to validate them against the actual result. Without this guidance, even if you are using the best automation tool, you will overlook critical scenarios or worse, misinterpret a passing test for a failure – because you haven’t defined what a pass or a failure actually is. Managing these test cases effectively through a proper case management system ensures that no important tests are missed or misinterpreted. 

Record and playback: great, but flawed without a plan 

Record and playback features, like those offered by T-Plan, allow for the rapid creation of automated tests. This feature is invaluable for teams that need to capture user interactions quickly and convert them into automated scripts. However, while the speed and convenience of record and playback are undeniable, relying solely on this functionality can be problematic without a solid test plan in place. 

Here’s a great example of where this can fall apart. Let’s say you’re a QA tester testing an app with ecommerce functionality. Let’s say that you’ve been assigned to test the discount functionality at checkout. You use T-Plan’s record and playback feature to test that a discount code can be entered, the button to apply the discount works and that a discount gets applied.  

All of this works as you think it should, so to you, this has been tested properly and you move onto testing something else. Two weeks later, the app gets released, and you start getting feedback that discount code functionality doesn’t work properly. How can this be, seeing as you tested it and it appeared to work as intended? 

Well, on closer inspection, what you thought should have been a 10% discount was actually applying a 1% discount, and you didn’t catch this – because you didn’t have a detailed test case defined. Nobody told you that this should have been a 10% discount – they only asked you to test that a discount code worked. Had you had a test case, you would have had preconditions, steps to replicate and expected results. If your expected test result was that the user saw a 10% discount, and you actually saw a 1% discount being applied, you’d have failed the test and sent it back to development to be fixed. 

Placeholder inputs and expected results 

Clearly defining your automation goals 

Clear automation goals are essential for successful test automation, and they start with well-defined test cases. Each test case must specify placeholder inputs and expected results to provide a concrete framework for automated tests to follow. Without this clarity, even perfectly executed automation scripts can lead to ambiguous outcomes. Proper case management ensures that these test cases are organized and tracked effectively. 

In any software test placeholder inputs act as representative values for the actual test data the system will encounter. These placeholders ensure consistency across test runs, enabling testers to simulate various scenarios while keeping the process structured. Coupled with clearly defined expected results, these inputs form the foundation for accurate validation. For example, when a test case defines that entering “X” should return “Y,” the automation knows exactly what to look for and can quickly flag any deviations from the expected behaviour. 

Without this precise structure, automation may complete without errors but leave testers uncertain about whether the software met its functional goals. Proper test cases ensure that every test is tied to an explicit, measurable result, allowing teams to draw meaningful conclusions from the automation process. 

Avoiding misinterpretation in open-source code-oriented tools 

While open-source and code-oriented tools offer flexibility, they can also introduce complexity when it comes to interpreting test outcomes. Without the structure that test cases provide, results from these tools can be misinterpreted or lead to confusion. 

Test cases help prevent this by offering a detailed map of what each test is supposed to validate. They define the exact conditions and outcomes, making it easier for testers to understand whether the software is behaving as expected. When using open-source tools, which often require more manual setup, this clarity is essential for ensuring that every aspect of the test is covered, reducing the chances of overlooking critical issues. 

By embedding clear inputs and expected results into each test case, teams can ensure that even in flexible, code-driven environments, the automation remains consistent and reliable. 

Structured planning 

Record and playback functionality, such as that provided by T-Plan, allows teams to rapidly automate tests by capturing user interactions. However, while this method is incredibly efficient for basic automation tasks, relying solely on recorder-only testing can lead to incomplete coverage. Automated scripts created in this way may function well for simple test scenarios but often lack the depth and flexibility required to handle more complex test conditions. 

Without a structured test case to define the purpose and expected outcome of each test, it is easy to overlook critical edge cases or miss key validation points. Tests may run successfully from a technical standpoint but fail to verify important aspects of the software’s functionality. This is why test cases remain essential even in environments where automation tools simplify the creation of test scripts. 

By pairing T-Plan’s record and playback feature with well-crafted test cases, testers can ensure that automation is not just fast but also thorough and meaningful, providing comprehensive validation across all necessary conditions. 

Test cases vs. Ad-hoc testing 

Ad-hoc testing is useful in certain circumstances, particularly for exploratory testing, where the tester tries to uncover unexpected issues by running unscripted tests at the spur of the moment. However, ad-hoc testing does not provide the structure or reliability needed. As ad-hoc tests are conducted without pre-defined actions or expected results, they are not repeatable, which is a critical factor in automated testing. 

In contrast, writing detailed test cases forces a more disciplined approach, ensuring that all test scenarios are thought through in advance. Test cases outline the specific inputs, test steps and expected outcomes, making it easier to replicate tests consistently. Automation thrives on this repeatability, as structured test cases allow tests to be executed reliably across multiple builds or versions of the software. With a test case guiding the process, you avoid the inconsistency and gaps that often arise from ad-hoc testing. 

Software test cases provide repeatability and reliability 

Maintaining test quality and performance 

One of the biggest strengths of writing detailed software test cases is the repeatability they provide. In automated testing, consistency is key. Every time a test executes, the conditions, inputs and expected results should remain the same. This is especially important for regression testing, in which changes to the software need to be tested to ensure that no functionality in the software has been broken. 

When test cases are clearly written and automated using tools like T-Plan, they create a stable, repeatable framework. Teams can run the same tests across different builds, environments or versions of the software to guarantee that performance and functionality remain consistent over time. This level of repeatability is impossible to achieve with manual or ad-hoc testing due to the presence of human error and inconsistencies. 

Managing interdependencies and complexities 

Complications in testing could arise when there is dependence of one component or module upon many others in large, complex software systems. In such scenarios, the understanding of such interdependencies becomes vital so that changes in one area of software performance are not adversely reflected in another area. Test cases help manage these complexities into smaller, modular units that can be automated either independently or in combination. 

T-Plan’s graphical user interface (GUI) helps testers manage these interdependencies effectively, but this capability can only be fully leveraged when there is a clear test case guiding the process. Well-written test cases outline interaction between different modules. In other words, for the testers, this means knowing what needs to be tested, in what sequence and under what conditions. This improves test coverage and reduces bugs during integration testing. 

Some things to consider when writing test cases 

Clear definition of “pass” and “fail” 

The core purpose of a test case is to define what would make a test either a success or a failure. Without a well-written test case, automation tools may execute tests without accurately determining whether the software meets its requirements. In a test case, the success parameters are provided by specifying the inputs and the expected results to ensure that each test is evaluated against a consistent set of criteria.  

For example, a test intended to verify an application’s login functionality should explicitly state in the test case what input – such as a valid username and password – would result in a good output – such as successfully landing on a user’s dashboard. Similarly, it needs to spell out what constitutes as a failure – for instance, invalid credentials leading to an error message. By having these criteria explicitly defined, the automation tool can accurately determine whether the test has passed or failed, making it easier to identify issues. 

The value of understanding holistic testing 

Writing software test cases forces testers to take a holistic view of the software testing process. Test cases not only ensure the functioning of individual components in the right manner but also provide the testing with an understanding of how different parts of the system interact. This broader perspective is essential for maintaining the overall quality of the software. 

Well-designed test cases provide the context necessary for testers to look beyond the results in isolation – to trace problems back to the root cause, to understand how changing one area might alter others and ensure the system as a whole works well. This holistic view is crucial to long-term software quality, as it prevents fragmented testing efforts, and it also ensures the testing approach aligns with the broader objectives of a project. 

Some best practices for writing software test cases 

Start with a Clear Objective 
Begin each test case by defining the specific functionality you are testing. A clear objective ensures that the test case is focused and aligned with the intended purpose, making it easier to automate and evaluate. 

Specify Inputs and Expected Results 
Always provide precise inputs and expected outcomes for each test case. Clear placeholders for input data and detailed expected results allow the automation to assess the success or failure of a test accurately. This helps avoid ambiguity and ensures consistent test results. 

Be Consistent 
Maintain a consistent structure across all test cases. This helps testers and automation tools alike follow a uniform process. A standard format simplifies understanding, execution and maintenance of test cases, especially when multiple people are involved in the process. 

Plan for Edge Cases and Failure Scenarios 
It’s not enough to test only for normal behaviour – your test cases should account for edge cases and failure scenarios as well. Testing with unexpected inputs and handling potential errors will help ensure that the software behaves reliably in all situations. 

Final thoughts 

Well-structured test cases are essential for ensuring effective and reliable test automation. While T-Plan’s record and playback feature streamlines automation, combining it with detailed test cases guarantees comprehensive coverage and consistent results. Test cases provide clarity, guiding the automation to validate the software’s functionality accurately. 

Incorporating thorough test case writing into your process ensures that automated tests are aligned with business goals, handling not just typical scenarios but edge cases as well. 

To enhance your automation process, integrate test case writing with T-Plan’s automation tools. Ensure robust, repeatable and reliable test outcomes by contacting us today 

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